“Wo ist deine Grenze? – Where's your limit?”, a project about the limits of human machine interaction. A Website.
Private Project, 2017
“Wo ist deine Grenze? – Where is your limit?”, is a project I did around the predefined term “Überschreiten – To exceed”. It was the exam task for the admission at the Zurich University of the Arts. Besides the term itself there were no further specifications.
The description I submitted is the following:
Curbs, bridges, door thresholds, roads, rivers, mountains, lakes, seas, but also competences, rights, laws, customs duties and speed limits are all boundaries that can be crossed.
A border or limit is often something subjective and where it runs is individual.
Interaction Design, interface human, machine, future.
Interaction with an autonomous machine.
Where is your limit?
Visualizing a street survey. Human scale, portraits, a video.
Embedding the results on a website; with statements about the individual boundaries and when they are crossed. Programmed with HTML and CSS.
© Edna Hirsbrunner 2022
“Wo ist deine Grenze? – Where's your limit?”, a project about the limits of human machine interaction. A Website.
Private Project, 2017
“Wo ist deine Grenze? – Where is your limit?”, is a project I did around the predefined term “Überschreiten – To exceed”. It was the exam task for the admission at the Zurich University of the Arts. Besides the term itself there were no further specifications.
The description I submitted is the following:
Curbs, bridges, door thresholds, roads, rivers, mountains, lakes, seas, but also competences, rights, laws, customs duties and speed limits are all boundaries that can be crossed.
A border or limit is often something subjective and where it runs is individual.
Interaction Design, interface human, machine, future.
Interaction with an autonomous machine.
Where is your limit?
Visualizing a street survey. Human scale, portraits, a video.
Embedding the results on a website; with statements about the individual boundaries and when they are crossed. Programmed with HTML and CSS.
© Edna Hirsbrunner 2022